ComFusion 2.0, distro with Mac OS X User Interface

ComFusion is a pioneer in the distribution operating CompizFusion Mode DVDLive, ie without installing anything on your computer, operating at the same memory. ComFusion is an Ubuntu-based live DVD featuring out-of-the-box support for a variety of Compiz Fusion effects and a Mac OS X-like user interface.

The latest version, 2.0, was just announced. Built from Ubuntu 8.04, ComFusion 2.0 brings a choice of two desktop environments - GNOME 2.22.1 (default) and Xfce 4.4.2, both with complete support for Compiz effects and with a Mac OS X-style Wbar for quick access to popular applications.

Other features include enhanced support for wireless network cards, a variety of Compiz Fusion utilities and scripts for downloading restricted media codecs, inclusion of several Google Applications, Skype and other non-free software, a collection of games, office and development software, support for English, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish languages.

In this new version, including a selection of programs, scripts and system settings, following the philosophy of ComFusion, trying to do more interesting and attractive, if anything, the Linux world, in the face of new users coming from other operating systems.

It try to make a distro that merges the best of other distributions without losing the essence of ComFusion, which is reflected in a new motto for this version 2.0:

"ComFusion. . . The Easy way of Linux..." "ComFusion... The Easy way of Linux ..."

However, designed to fit on an 8cm DVD / 1.4 Gb, 100% portable. Btw, you can download this new version of ComFusion at Here.

The user of the Live-DVD by default is: comfusion and the default password: comfusion
You will need to switch desktop, for example Gnome to Xfce, or vice versa.


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