ArtistX: The Multimedia Linux has come

ArtistX is a live DVD which turns a computer into a full multimedia production studio. It is based on Debian GNU/Linux and contains nearly all the available free audio, 2D and 3D graphics, and video software for the GNU/Linux computing platform. It doesn't need to be installed, and boots directly into a running system without touching hard drives.

The files produced with ArtistX can be easily stored on USB devices or CD/DVD medium while it is running. If you want to install it please take a look to our documentation to the ArtistX Installation Manual (Live DVD section).

ArtistX 0.4 is ready for download. Now comes in two flavours (Gnome and KDE) and both include the Powua Client and Powua Tutorials. Powua is the Super Internet Computer and has been created to speed up CPU-intensive tasks. For example you can realize an animation with Blender and directly from ArtistX upload and render it on Powua (more info on the Powua Wiki and in the DVD).

ArtistX is based on the Debian Live Initiative and includes the 2.6.22 Kernel, Gnome 2.20 , KDE 3.5.7 (both versions ship with both Desktop Environments ) and includes about 2500 free multimedia software, nearly everything that exists for the GNU/Linux environment.

You can find these apps on ArtstX:

  • 2D Graphic Software: Gimp (experimental version), Inkscape, Nip2, Krita, Cinepaint, Synfig, Rawstudio, Skencil, Hugin.
  • 3D Graphic softwares: Blender, Wings3D, Kpovmodeler + Povray 3.6, K3D.
  • Video softwares: Cinelerra, Kino, Openmovieeditor, Kdenlive, Pitivi, Avidemux, Devede, and many others.
  • Video and Music players: Mplayer, Helix Player, Videolan, Xine, Kaffeine, Kmplayer, LastFM and many others.
  • Music software: PD and externals, Rosegarden, Ardour, TerminatorX, Cecilia/Csound, Gnusound, Mixxx and many others.
  • On the DVD you can find about 2500 multimedia softwares, practically everything made for the GNU/Linux platform.
You can download ArtistX at : HTTP or FTP.


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