As said on my last post, Musix GNU+Linux is a Free Operating system intended for musicians and users in general. Musix is based on Knoppix and Debian/Stable. Musix GNU+Linux also contains an enormous collection of free programs.
The system will boot from your CD/DVD drive, with no need to install anything on your hard disk. The programs currently support the English and Spanish languages.
Here are some key features of Musix GNU Linux:
- Master for CD
- Publish musical scores
- Print musical scores
- Create MIDI Instruments
- Record and reproduce Audio and MIDI
- Edit and mix Audio and MIDI tracks with Multitrack Sequencers/Editors
- Perform noise-reduction to recover recordings
- Use effects in real time with any device (microphone, line, etc.)
- Connect a keyboard or another MIDI device and control the available software synthesizers

English is now the default boot language and new functionalities were added, for instance: automount of CDs, DVDs and USB memories, or the "install" boot argument. Now you can install Musix by typing "english install" or "knoppix lang=en install" or "xorgmusix lang=en install" at the first "boot:" screen. Also, Kdesktop can be used from IceWm if you want a "Windows like" desktop.
Video edition and graphic design applications have been moved towards the Live-DVD version that will be out in a few days.
Fundamental programs have been updated since Musix 1.0 R2: Ardour 2.1, Jackd 0,103, Solfege 3.6.4, Musixcontrol 1.5, etc. New packages were added: Firefox (iceweasel) aMSN 0.97rc1, Musixstarter or Gnumeric, turning Musix into a friendlier system for general users.
Its software repository now contains LMMS 0.3.1, which can handle native VST plugins.
You can download this last release at here.
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