mepis antiX 7.0 has been released today

mepis antiX is a fast, lightweight and easy to install linux live CD distribution based on MEPIS.

mepis antiX 7.0, a light-weight edition of MEPIS Linux, has been released today. Here the announcement of this release:

"MEPIS has announced the 'Lysistrata' release of antiX, a light-weight derivative of SimplyMEPIS 7.0. This version of AntiX is built using the MEPIS Linux 7.0 core including the MEPIS 2.6.22 kernel and utilities, but mostly it has a different set of default user applications: Fluxbox and IceWM window managers, AbiWord, Gnumeric, Scite, Nano, Iceweasel, Sylpheed, Pidgin, XChat.... AntiX is designed to work on computers with as little as 64 MB RAM and Pentium II or equivalent AMD processors, but not K5/K6 processors. After installation, even 32 MB RAM has worked. The new ISO images are available in the 'released/antix' subdirectory at the MEPIS subscriber's site and at the MEPIS public mirrors."
It can either be installed onto a hard drive or used as a LiveCD, which makes it a boot disc for troubleshooting many operating systems. It includes a free anti-virus scanner, ClamAV, and KDE, the K Desktop Environment.

For more info and download site and mirror for mepis antiX, you can visit mepis site or mepislovers site.


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