OpenSource Alternative for Basecamp and Microsoft SharePoint

Mindquarry is an Open Source collaborative software platform for file sharing (documents, images, media files, etc.), task and project management, team collaboration and Wiki editing that meshes simplicity and functionality. As a result, knowledge workers are able to connect with team members and share information from wherever they are, effectively improving team-work and increasing productivity within the company.

With Mindquarry teams you can analyse and manage your teams and team members. Mindquarry file sharing stores all your documents and keeps a history of changes.

Work offline and at any time synchronize all files and tasks with Mindquarry's collaboration software as soon as you are back online.

You can see all your teams in a list. This list contains the team's name, description and photos of some of the team members. You can use the slider allows to the left and the right of the team member's photos to scroll through the list of team members.

At first, Mindquarry provides the opensource and commercial edition. But for full supporting the opensource community, it has stopped providing the commercial services and products. More info about this issue, you can read the Mindquarry's newsletter here.

Viva MindQuarry, Viva OpenSource!


Anonymous said...

Looks cute :) But it's not enough for me. We use Wrike for our projects. It lets not just tracking bugs, collaboration and sharing. It's a great tool for managing this collaboration. Check it out for yourself.

Anonymous said...

I am using proofhub software for the past 4 months and I feel the same. I travel easily for my work and it’s easy for my staff to contact me at any time.

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