FrameGrabber than runs on Linux

Sensoray has introduced a framegrabber module suitable for use in embedded devices running Linux or Windows. The 2251 framegrabber converts NTSC or PAL composite analog video into compressed MPEG and JPEG digital formats, and interfaces to the host system via high-speed USB, the company said.

The 2251 supports motion detection in three user programmable regions of interest. For each separate region of interest, the user can set up different levels of motion detection sensitivity.

Within each of the regions of interest, motion can be further localized to a 16x16 pixel block. the regions of interest motion can be further localized to a 16x16 pixel block.


* MPEG1/2/4 and JPEG capture to USB from an analog video source at D1 resolution
* 30 fps NTSC, 25 fps PAL
* Synchronous audio capture from a line level (stereo) input
* Multiple region motion detection
* Text overlay (OSD)
* Compact form factor for embedded designs
* SDK works with multiple units


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