New Ubuntu Customized: Kiwi Linux

Kiwi Linux is a modified Ubuntu live CD for the i386 architecture. It includes Romanian and Hungarian localisations, multimedia codecs, encrypted DVD support, Flash and Java plugins for Firefox, PPPoE GUI for accessing local Internet services (Clicknet and RDS) and write support for NTFS partitions.

Now, the Kiwi 7.10 Beta LiveCD for i386, based on Ubuntu 7.10 Beta is available.

Modifications to Ubuntu include:

Romanian and Hungarian localization and language support packages besides English.
Removed evolution, rhythmbox, ekiga, Asian fonts and languages other than en/hu/ro.
Removed Windows apps from the LiveCD.
Added audacious audio player, inkscape, thunderbird, vim, mc.
Replaced totem-gstreamer with totem-xine, added libxine1-ffmpeg and libdvdcss2.
Included firefox plugins for java, flash and mplayer.
Improved networking support by enabling the pppoeconf GUI, adding firmware for
the speedtouch USB modem, including ndisgtk.
Usplash artwork .

The package repositories are the same as Ubuntu's, with an additional package source for the modifications.

The default settings and artwork are also the same as in Ubuntu so the delta is kept at minimum.
Kiwi uses the same software repositories as Ubuntu with one additional source added for the handful of artwork related or slightly modified packages.

Hence it is easy to switch to and from Ubuntu and all the security and bugfix updates from Ubuntu are getting into Kiwi automatically.
You can see its screenshhot by visit here, and download it here.


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